Wednesday 29 September 2010

Hot Fuzz.

In our lesson we watched the opening sequence of Hot fuzz and analysed the editing and status of how Nicholas Angel is portrayed at the start of the film.  During the opening scene of Hot Fuzz, the first camera angle used is a long shot. You see Nicholas Angel walking into the building and he is surrounded by a light- which could be interpereted as a halo of 'gold'. Instantly the audience know his important to the film, due to him being the centre of attention, we also know his serious status within the film due to the fast pace of his walking, making it more like a march.
During the end of this clip, the camera angle changes to a close up of his face, allowing the audience to develop their understanding of the Policeman by his stern face and military attitude, these two clips allow the audience to perceive the character as a typical Police officer, hostile with a severly strict attitude.
We then get more of an insight to Nicholas Angel through the use of a voice over, displaying cross scenes of him walking through the police station, to flashback scenes of memorable and victorious achievements through his life and during the training for his career. This allows the audience to see the character as career driven and hard working, but also allows them to see how he would be a threat to other police officers due to his non stop drive to be the best.

The cross cutting of these scenes wasn't done smoothly, this i feel is done purposely, it shows chaos within the scenes, and possibly how being in the police force could/has cause chaos in his life. The use of overlaying scenes and the build up of sound from the scenes i feel reinforce this as it bombards the audience almost too much information, showing how Angel is always on the go and his job never really ends.

The scenes you see him working in the policeforce, not just training he is shown twice communicating with elderly citizens, this allows the audience to possibly see the possible popularity he has within the community. However, this could also show his lack of social skills as he's only shown communicating with people of the same age, possibly showing the narror mindedness of the character.

After watching and closely analysing the opening scene of Hot Fuzz, it allowed me to realise and grasp a true understanding of how camera shots and angles can be used to make an audience perceive something that may not entirelybe correct, they can be used to add dramatic effect to certain scenes and truly allow the audience to see exactly what a film industry would want them to see and think of the characters and story line without them even realising its happening.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Daisy. A good first go at moving image analysis.

    Targets for you next attempt are use of terminology. Look up Montage and Mise en Scene and work out how this can be incorporated into your work.

    I believe that Mrs Abrahamson has taught Vladimir Propp character roles so you will need to speak to her about that.
