Wednesday 22 September 2010

Preliminary Excercise Magazine Cover

As a preliminary task we were asked to produce a front cover and contents page that would be suitable for a school magazine. When considering my magazine I felt i needed to create something that I would read, or something that would go down well with students from my current school, so i chose to use a Sixth Form student from my school and take photos of him for the front cover in parts of the college that students may recognise.
The first thing i chose to do was plan my front cover on A3 paper, so i could find an appropriate place for all the needed information and chosen photographs, shown by annotations and sketches, but would also help me to visualise what the magazine would look like.
The designs we did had to meet certain standards such as only using three fonts, maximum, which were all clear but attractive, a bar code somewhere on our cover page, our main title clearly resented at the top of the page and a main figure taking up the majority of space on the cover. When considering what my magazine would look like, i thought about magazines that i would read, as i felt my magazine audience would be people of a similar age to me. I focused on the look and style of magazines such as vogue and look magazine, as i feel these are magazines that appeal to my age group but are also clear, precise and well thought out, with edgey and colourful twists that would help it to draw in a younger audience.

September 2005
I found these magazine to be appealing due to the bold colours, differentiating fonts and the iconic stars on the front covers. These to me, all integral aspects of making a magazine sell, as their known celebrities that would draw in readers. They also have references to style and fashion not only in the photographs but also in the topics of the articles.


1 comment:

  1. Excellent start Daisy. When you return to school you'll need to get your magazine made, when creating it bear in mind which audience you'd want to attract. I assume you will be aiming for female judging by the covers above (though you'll need to be more specific as not all girls read Vogue) so make sure your language choice and article titles reflect this.

    You'll also need to get your film prelim onto YouTube and added to your blog.

    Once again, well done for keeping up to date during your absence.
