Tuesday 16 November 2010

Moon - Duncan Jones

After watching Moon by Duncan Jones we were asked to identify the audience, as the film has a Sci Fi genre this automatically rules out large audience groups, many aspects stop it from being a four quadrant film.  Moon is the first feature film directed by commercial director Duncan Jones, and had a budget of £5 million, this prevented the film from being a four quadrant massively. The use of a small cast aided Jones to decrease casting costs and helped to allow him to stick to his budget, this however could have massively effected the amount of audience the film appealed to. The film was specifically written as a vehicle for actor Sam Rockwell, this as said before will have helped with casting costs, but could have lost appeal to certain audience members due to Rockwell being arguably unknown. Some films do amazingly well, drawing in a large audience simply through the actors used, the better known the actors are, the more likely the film is going to succeed.  Moon was produced at Shepperton Studios, London, England, where it was filmed in 33 days, this limited the special effects of the film, and really reduced the amount Jones could do as he had spacial elements to consider. Marketing and Advertising for the film was not within the film budget and was extremely limited, Jones even resorted to asking people to interview him, participating in home interviews from unknown journalists who were simply interested in the film. This lost the film the ability to be huge, due to the lack of people the film was presented to. After the film was produced it was launched by Jones at Nasa, this was hugely beneficial for the film and helped to not only promote the film, but also helped to establish it as a serious science fiction film. However, this only appealed to a certain type of audience, yet again limiting the audience. Due to all of the above, i feel the audience of Moon is hugely limited, its clear Jones is massively devoted to broadening the appeal of Moon, however the film being such a Sci Fi specific genre, i feel limits the audience to mainly appeal to Sci Fi fans, these mainly being male, and varying in age.

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