Tuesday 23 November 2010

Preliminary Magazine Work!

As a newbie to photo shop, i was excited but nervous to start my magazine cover and contents page, so i began to plan my work on A3 paper, so i could visualise my work and plan exactly how i wanted it to look. i chose to model my magazine around a girly magazine, such as vogue or look, i chose to do these as these are magazines i read myself, and i know what it is that makes me want to read these. at first i thought i wanted a really colourful magazine, however after battling putting pictures and font onto a coloured background, i found there was too much going on and it looked more messy than making it work. I chose to use jack as my model for my magazine, simply because i feel his fashion would entise people to read it, i also chose to photograph him in different areas around the school as it was a college magazine! i chose to use the photo on my front cover as i felt it would work well in the space i had and also leave room for my magazine name and article teasers. i then chose to use my other photographs as an old time photo booth stip, i wanted to do this as i felt it was original & unique, but also a sweet way to show many different photos in a small area. the first thing i did for my magazine was to chose fonts,this i found very easy as i was told about a website called 'dafont.com' this really helped and aided me to find fonts that i feel worked well together. the next thing was the cut out my front cover photo with the magnetic lasso tool, this i found awefully time consuming and tricky, but i worked as hard as i could to cut out all the bars behind jack! 

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Daisy. Good work getting this finally on the blog. The cover looks good. I think Jack's leg looks odd at the bottom and he seems awkwardly placed on the cover but the contents page looks really nice with the negative strip idea.

    Homework: Ensure all other posts are up to date and start to research your music magazines. look at the range out there and what you would like to produce.
