Tuesday 23 November 2010

Production process comparisons

Compare the differences between the production process of British and American production companies:
   There are numerous camparitive differences between the British and American production companies and their production processes, the largest and most importantly being money. With American production companies, funding, bugeting and overall costs are massively steep compared to British funding. American films get millions of dollars for busgeting costs, the most expensive being the 2009 phenomenon film Avatar, who's budget was a huge $310,000,000 which then went on to create a gross of $760,505,847 in USA alone, this compared to British film funding and cross intake is a mountain compaired to a molehill. The 2009 British film Moon,by Duncan Jones had a measely busget of £5,000,000 which to date has made a gross of £5,009,677, making barely more than the budget amount. This is a huge comparison between the American and British film companies. However there are exceptions such as the 2009 Harry Potter and the HalfBlood Prince, which for a British film had an overwhelming budget of £250,000,000 simply due to the popularity and huge marketing campaigns for the film, aswell as the previous want for the books and games for the book, this ensuring to production companies the film was a garanteed success.
   Another huge comparison of the production process of British and American production companies is casting, this making a huge difference to not only the amount of audience attraction, but marketing and schemes and success of the film overall. American actors are known worldwide, and with the use of a hugely known actor/actress in a film makes it alot more appealing to larger audience groups. The use of a worldwide recognisable actor or actress such as Angelina Jolie, Brad Pit and Jim Carrey will massively increase the popularity and 'want to see' appeal of the film. Angelina Jolie alone has an anormous casting cost of over £17,000,000 this being well over the amount a British film would receive for their whole busget funding, making such actors American based workers, this massively impacting on the appeal British films would get due to casting.
   A massively important comparison is simply the size of production, this again mainly down to cost, American films do things on a much larger scale that British films could ever imagine. They create films for 4 quadrant audiences with flexible genres and themes, this drawing in large audiences ultimately raking in the turnover money for the companies involved. They have the ability to advertise and market their films to an overwhelming level due to the vast amount of money they can throw into the prouction, these marketing schemes not only being in USA, but worldwide, this helping the film to become a success all over the world. The amount American can fit into their budget for marketing compared to the lack of marketing British production companies can afford shows a vast comparison between the two countries, and could be an integral part in the success of American films or the Lack of British films.
   American film industries market to a much larger scale, and within their production process rely on the film going out all over the world, being a hit in most if not all countires it hits, however British films only ever become even close to becoming comparitive against American films popularity wise when they become such a success in Britain that they gain unforseen recognition from other countires, making them a huge success. Slumdog Millionaire the 2008 success started of with a mear £15,000,000 budget barely nothing in the world of American film budgets, but became such an overnight success in Britian it gained large recognition in American causing a film phenonenon all over the world pulling in an unforeseen £365,257,315. This being on of Britians most popular films of all time, simply due to the film recieving the recognition it deserved.
   When researching the comparitive differences between American and British production companies and how their production processes massively impact their popularity and the gross profit they gain, i was overwhelmed with the huge difference between budgeting. Its clear that American films have more accessibility to make their films a success, mainly down to funding, but i didnt realise the sheer scale of the budget they recieve especially compared to to lack of budgeting and funding British films recieve. Costing differences i feel has the most influenctial impact on the compartitive differences between the two production companies.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Daisy. This is a good effort, you make use of a variety of examples.

    You will need to do greater research into publicity and marketing if you want to move up through the grades.

    What you'll also need to consider is whether money is the most important factor. Do you need money to make a 'good' film and do all 'good' films make money?
