Monday 8 November 2010

Representation of Disabilities.

In class we were studying the represenatation of disabilities, the two clips we chose to concentrate on were Forrest Gump and seven pounds. We chose to use these clips as they show physical impairment, sensory impairment and learning difficulties.  In the first clip, there is a negative attitude shown towards forrest for his disabilities, his disabilities are shown through close up shots of his legs, contrasted by medium shots showing the boys on bikes chasing Forrest, who is seen in the distance, trying to get away. We then chose the second clip, which also shows the negative attitude people have towards the disabled, through cross cutting angles in the scene scenes showing the two actors are in coversation, the represenation of the disability is shown through diagetic sound through the computer reading what the character can't see, and through the disaolog in the scene, all helping to assure the audience that the story line holds a character with a disability.  

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